Wood Burning
Some of our Boys Brigade Company Section were having a go at wood burning (pyrography) with some specialised pyrography tools. The boys first marked out their design and then had a go at burning the pattern. The pieces of wood [...]
Some of our Boys Brigade Company Section were having a go at wood burning (pyrography) with some specialised pyrography tools. The boys first marked out their design and then had a go at burning the pattern. The pieces of wood [...]
On Sunday 20th October our Church was delighted to welcome our Boys Brigade & Girls Brigade for their annual BB & GB enrolment. This years theme was Winnie the Pooh and the Church was transformed into the 100 Acre Wood. [...]
Congratulations to boys from our Boys’ Brigade Company who took part in the Belfast Battalion Athletics Competition. The competition was held at the Mary Peters Athletics Track. Between them the boys picked up 2 golds, 1 silver and 3 bronze [...]
Thank you to everyone who came along to watch our performance of Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Our cast were made up of young people from our Church and they were all amazing! A super show and it was [...]
On Fri 1st Dec we had a A BB Night at Eddies & Elite. Our Anchors enjoyed football at Eddie Irvines while our Juniors, Company & Seniors went to Elite Archery. Activities included bungee run, archery and for the older [...]
On Saturday 18th of Nov Harry, Elijah, Isaac & Oscar took part in the Belfast Battalion Boys Brigade Cross Country Championships. Our younger guys came in 1st, 2nd & 3rd. 1st Bangor last won the trophy in 2008. [...]
On Sunday the 22nd of Oct we held our Annual BB & GB Enrolment. This years theme was Toy Story and we explored the topic of friendship. [...]
On Fri 13th of Oct 2023 we held our Boys Brigade Open Night. It was an opportunity for boys to come along and see what happens at our Boys Brigade and for boys to invite along their friends. Our bottom [...]
Our BB Juniors made some paper caterpillars on Friday evening. The boys cut out caterpillar, folded and then when blowing through a straw, the caterpillars moved along the floor. [...]
On Friday our BB Anchors were split into two teams. Each team had to build a wall from cardboard boxes to try and protect their teams skittles. Each team then had the opportunity to try and knock down the opposite [...]