Wednesday 12th March 2025,
First Bangor Boy's Brigade

Annual Display Fri 31st March

bbcaptain April 8, 2017 General News Comments Off on Annual Display Fri 31st March

This year our Annual Boys Brigade Inspection & Display was held on Fri 31st March, when we welcomed Gwyneth & William Morrow as our inspecting officers.  This year 6 boys received their Queens Badge, the highest award in the Boys Brigade, Sgts Adam Bell, Alex Coffey, Rhys Ditty, Alex Mulree, Kent Sampson & Matthew Weir. Special thanks go to Helen Sloan for helping the boys with their volunteering section and Anne Beggs for helping both Alexs’ with their skills section.

During the evening we were entertained by some ‘Do this Do that’ by the Anchor Boys. Our Junior Section displayed their games and figure marching skills.  Our Bugle Boys got kitted out as superheroes for some Lego building.  Nick Fury and Phil Coulson explored the Company Section badgework for the year with some evidence of drill and boxercise.  Our display items were then concluded with a thought provoking sketch and a beautiful song by our Anchor Boys.  Before the  display began and once it had finished we were delighted to see the return of the BB band who lead us in several praise items (though a bit different than our traditional band).  Congratulations to all the officers and boys for all your work.

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